Candidate Engagement becomes even more important when those candidates are passive. Allison Halpern, Managing Director of Tri-Search Recruitment Firm, states, “If we focus on the opportunity and growth for the specific role, rather than focusing on just skills and experience, we will be able to better illustrate to the candidate a brighter future. Many job descriptions will focus solely on the simple skills needed for the new position. However, those details aren’t going to convince top candidates to leave their current organizations and join a different one. Instead, when talking to candidates, focus on growth opportunities and specific projects that will pique the candidate’s interest. All of these components when combined, will show the candidate the impact they will be able to create within the new organization and the future success they will have within their new role.”
A company’s kick off conversation should always include these key questions to instigate greater candidate engagement and let them know this new opportunity is better than their current situation:
Ø “Why would a top person accept this job?”
Ø “What are the growth opportunities?”
Ø “What will this person learn and become?”
Ø “What would this person need to achieve in order to be a top performer?”
Ø “Why is this job better than comparable jobs?”
Recruiters need to add these questions to their interview:
Ø “What’s the most satisfying job that you’ve ever had?
Ø “What made it so satisfying?”
Ø “Does your current job offer you that?”
Ø “What’s missing?”
Ø “Is that your dream job?” If yes, “Why?” If not, “Why not and what would it take to make it one?”
Aside from acting as more stimulating ‘ideas’ behind the new opportunity, all of these responses will be used as selling points when it becomes time to close this “passive” candidate. Additionally, this information will help the recruiting firm show the Hiring Manager the trajectory of the candidate and the impact of their value add to the new company.
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